The Art Update

Hey everybody its been awhile!

I finally have done an art pass and I am very pleased how it turned out.
Now it at least looks like someone has put some thought into the design of the game ^^
I also adjusted some of the gameplay but nothing major, just some tweeks here and there
Also the game is now running on Godot 4.3 which should fix some issues that some users had

Whats next

When you look at the screenshots you guys can see that all the buildings are still using the default godot icon which feels really out of place, that is going to be the next thing I will tackle alongside more building and upgrades.

One of the things I still need to do, what I am a bit scared of is, is doing the sound and music for the game. That is something I have never done besides some silly sounds for a game jam game I did

Files Play in browser
63 days ago

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